Together for the new Room of Wonders in Sisak

The agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the project for the construction of the rehabilitation center The Room of Wonders in Sisak was signed on Saturday, 27th March 2021, by the Mayor of Sisak Mrs. Kristina Ikić Baniček and the President of the Association of the Persons with Disabilities of Sisak-Moslavina County (UOSISMŽ) Mrs. Dijana Smajo at the pool of SRC Sisak, near the location planned for the construction of a new center.

potpisivanje sporazuma ČLANAK

The Room of Wonders was opened before 2nd December 2016 in a building in Frankopanska Street, and was the first and only room for the development of sensory integration for children with disabilities in the Sisak-Moslavina County. In the past four years, 6722 terms of sensory integration therapy were held for over 100 children from the area of our county (about 80 children a year, on average). Since the renovation could take years, the members of the Association decided to build a new building with the support of the community and donors.

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The Room of Wonders premises are lost forever. Reconstruction could take up to several years. Fortunately, what survived was the equipment and the spirit of the Association's employees who did not even think about giving up at that moment, but bravely and with the help of firefighters, they evacuated high-value equipment that was not damaged and temporarily relocated the Room of Wonders to another premises of the Association in Petrinja, with the support of Unicef Croatia. This only premises of the Association that were not damaged in the earthquake are really too small for all the activities of the Association, so that sensory integration therapy is currently taking place again in a remote area from the city of Sisak and in a completely inadequate space.
At the moment, 64 children and young people with disabilities from the area of Sisak, Petrinja, Novska, Popovača, Glina, Sunja, Martinska Ves, Hrvatska Kostajnica and Glina are receiving sensory integration therapy in a temporarily relocated office in the Small House in Petrinja. The waiting list includes 7 new members who need this therapy immediately, and over 20 current users who cannot attend therapy at this time due to space, working or health conditions and special conditions caused by the Covid pandemic.
The Association does not want to give up after this catastrophe and is already thinking about what to do next. With the support of the City of Sisak, which is a partner of this story from the very beginning and which again offered its help and cooperation through the donation of construction land and utilities, I am convinced that with the signing of this agreement we are moving to build a new, larger and even better Room of Wonders in Sisak.

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This time, our Association has no longer two years to recreate everything from scratch and can no longer count on all its valuable volunteers, who are now struggling with their own existential problems after this disaster, so that we urgently need help in building a new facility. We are aware that we cannot build a new Room of Wonders on our own, but we believe that we will succeed with the support of the community and all those who recognize the value of our children's smiles.

All those who are willing to help in any way are invited to contact the Association at the contact numbers +385 91 4050 530  and +385 91 4050 533 at e.mail: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite., and the payment of a monetary donation, marked "FOR ROOM OF WONDERS "can already be made by payment to the account of the Association:
IBAN: HR3324840081105429603 SWIFT: RZBHHR2X - opened at RBA d.d. Account number: 1105429603, OIB: 59369523052

Miracles are born where there is a lot of love. We are happy to live in a community that recognizes us and proves it to us on a daily basis. Together we begin rebuilding our new Room of Wonders.

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